Update Set governance and naming convention – FIX

As my blog title indicates everything I try to share is about try, learn, grow, repeat. Most of the content I shared so far was about stuff I did and played around with. The recent post was about the update set governance and naming convention that I applied in my instances. And it works like a charm with all my test cases, but like always you will not test everything.

This week someone else said that the business rule is not really working and I was wondering what it was. So I looked up his use case and he used a couple of spaces within the first 11 characters of the substring that I used to identify the story number. If it was plain text like in all my use cases all worked well, but spaces were a problem for the REST call. I received all the time an invalid URL except when I copied the URL directly in the browser. The browser changed the blanks by itself to ‘%20’ but the REST call from ServiceNow had still blanks.

So the fix to the business rule is to replace all spaces with nothing to get a concatenated string, which you will also get when it is a correct story number at the beginning.

The issue was with line 5. I have added a replaceAll() into it to remove the spaces. The fixed business rule will look like this:

(function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/) {

	// Extract story number from the update set
	var number = current.getValue('name');
    number = number.replaceAll(' ','').substring(0, 11);
	// Set variables for the REST call
	var instance = gs.getProperty('tlgr.productionServiceNowEnvironment');
	var product = gs.getProperty('tlgr.productSysID');
	/* Get a result from the rm_story table in the production environment
	* Conditions:
	*      Product = ServiceNow (or whatever you mentioned as sysID in the property)
	*      Active = True
	*      State IS ONE OF Ready, Work In Progress, Ready for Testing, Testing
	*      Number starts with Number Substring
	* Return the number of the user story
    var endpoint = 'https://' + instance + '/api/now/table/rm_story?sysparm_query=sys_class_name%3Drm_story%5Eproduct%3D' + product + '%5Eactive%3Dtrue%5EstateIN1%2C2%2C-7%2C-8%5EsprintISNOTEMPTY%5EnumberSTARTSWITH' + number + '&sysparm_fields=number';
	// Create the REST call to production ServiceNow environment
	var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();

	// Get the credentials from the credentials store
    var provider = new sn_cc.StandardCredentialsProvider();
    var credential = provider.getCredentialByID('c1b813702f630110f908f64ef699b6f3'); // Sys ID of your credentials

    var user = credential.getAttribute("user_name");
    var password = credential.getAttribute("password");
    request.setBasicAuth(user, password);
    request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");

    var response = request.execute();
	var responseBody = response.getBody();
	responseBody = JSON.parse(responseBody);

	// Check if the number of the update set has a valid story in production, if not abort the action and throw an error message.
    if (number != responseBody.result[0].number) {
        gs.addErrorMessage("Update Set can't be closed. Please check if naming convention is correct and user story is part of current sprint and in a state like Ready, WIP, Ready for Testing or Testing!");

})(current, previous);

You can see, that you never stop learning what small topics you have to test and check. I’m sure I will never again face that issue with spaces in my rest call or at least I will test on it.

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