customizing UI16 through system properties

Branding a ServiceNow instance in the System UI becomes somewhat complicated if you don’t know all the various options for the CSS classes ServiceNow offers. You can spend a lot of time modifying the system or creating a new theme. The result will be that you find out not all buttons and colors are getting adjusted with your selections.

In this article, I’m going to guide you through the modifications of a UI16 theme. Firstly, I will show you how you can add the missing properties to the Basic Configuration UI16 module including your company’s branding, logo, and slogan. Secondly, I will offer you everything as a download update set so you can directly start with a new custom theme.

If you can’t wait you can directly download the missing properties update set which will add all properties offered for the UI16 theme branding to the module.

Basically, you can find a lot of information about how to create a custom theme or adjust one of the default themes in ServiceNow via the documentation in the Default CSS configurations section. However, after you’ve read through the documentation you will recognize that nobody is really helping you to explain what these strange CSS system properties mean. Therefore I will try to help you with that in the rest of this article.

creating a custom theme in Servicenow

ServiceNow comes with several built-in themes that you can select via the System Settings at the top-right. In this paragraph, I would like to explain how you can create your own custom theme for ServiceNow. In the end, you will be able to use that in the theme selector as well.

To get started:

  1. Navigate to System UI > Themes.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a Name.
  4. Select a Base Theme, for instance La Jolla or Cobalt..
  5. Check Active checkbox.
  6. Select Device “Concourse” for UI16.
  7. Click Submit.

Now you have set the baseline for your custom theme. This should now be already selectable in the System Settings.

To override the CSS of the default system theme you can add CSS selectors to your own. After that you can change the colors for them. Unfortunately there is just an explanation for some of the CSS selectors available on ServiceNow docs and not all existing ones are explained. Therefore I added some more details on each of the CSS selectors:

CSS SelectorShort Description
$navpage-header-bgHeader background color
$navpage-header-colorHeader text color
$navpage-header-divider-colorHeader divider stripe color
$navpage-header-button-colorHeader buttons color
$navpage-button-color-hoverHeader button color hover
$navpage-button-colorHeader Button Color (Update Set/Application Picker)
$navpage-nav-bgNavigation header/footer
$navpage-nav-bg-subBackground for navigator and sidebars
$subnav-background-colorNavigation background expanded items
$navpage-nav-color-subModule text color for UI16
$navpage-nav-selected-bgFilter Navigator selected/active tab background color
$navpage-nav-selected-colorFilter navigator selected/active tab icon color
$nav-highlight-bar-activeNavigation selected/active tab divider bar color / Header icons tob right selected color
$navpage-nav-unselected-colorFilter navigator unselected/inactive tab icon color
$nav-highlight-bar-inactiveNavigation unselected/inactive tab divider bar color
$navpage-nav-borderBorder color for UI16
$nav-hr-colorNavigation separator color
$search-text-colorFilter Navigator / Global Search text color
$navpage-nav-app-textFilter Navigator App color
$connect-latest-messageHelptext area body color

You can add these CSS selectors to your custom theme in the CSS field and add your custom color as hex value. If you don’t use any of the above mentioned CSS selector the selected default theme will define the value for the CSS selector.

Customize the Default Theme

In case you don’t like to create a new theme and would like to adjust the default system one, you can do this with the same CSS selectors listed above. This might be helpful if you just want to have one theme and remove all selection options.

To customize the default theme completely add the CSS selectors mentioned above as a system property in the following form:

  • Name: css.$connect-latest-message
  • Type: color
  • Value: hex value (e.g. #000000)
  • Category: System Configuration UI16

In case you want to go fast, you can download and install this update set (TLGR – Missing System UI Theme properties.xml). By this, all missing system properties will be added and displayed on the System Properties > Basic Configuration UI16 page.

In addition, you will get the try. learn. grow. repeat update set as well. This will add a custom theme that looks like mine, just in case you don’t want to build one from scratch.

Don’t know how to install an update set? – Tutorial: How to install update sets from TLGR or other sources?

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